英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-07-01 22:24:34

steam plume

  • 临近词

  • steam-an-quench treatment
  • steaming and brushing machine
  • steamboat
  • Steamed Turtle Rim with Aweto
  • Steamed beef with ground rice
  • steam-naphtha hydrogen unit
  • steamed chicken with stuffing
  • steam
  • steam generator tube ruptures
  • steam temperature in reheater
  • steam curing at high pressure
  • steam/water heat exchanger
steam plume是什么意思 steam plume在线翻译 steam plume什么意思 steam plume的意思 steam plume的翻译 steam plume的解释 steam plume的发音 steam plume的同义词